[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Arabian Peninsula and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Arabian Peninsula Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to ap@jadaliyya.com by Monday night of every week.]

Regional and International Relations

Converging Interests May Lead to Cooperation Between Israel and Gulf States Helen Cooper maintains that US and Israeli officials hope for closer security cooperation between Tel Aviv and the Arab Gulf states.

Can the Saudis adapt to Obama`s policies? Marwan Kabalan argues that the US president’s visit to the kingdom did not intend to solve the differences between the two allies but to get the Saudis adapt to the change in the US regional policy.

Judge dismisses lawsuit over drone strikes Pete Yost writes on a US federal judge’s dismissal of a law suit against US administration officials for the killing of three US citizens in a drone strike in Yemen.

Qatar sends a new positive message to Hezbollah Amal al-Khalil analyzes the relations between the Qatari regime and Lebanon’s Hezbullah.

Bahrain’s long list of contention with Qatar A news report on the Qatari-Bahrain relations and family ties.

Qatar’s history of turbulent relations with UAE Samir Salama analyzes the Qatari-Emirati relations.

Thaw in Iranian-Saudi relations pacifies Lebanon, but what about Syria? Sami Kleib reflects on the impact of the Iranian-Saudi rapprochement for Syria.

UK ‘looking into’ permanent Gulf military base The British secretary of state for defense says that his country is considering the establishment of a permanent facility in the Gulf region.

NATO keen on developing strategic ties with GCC Habib Toumi examines the statement made by the NATO secretary general regarding the alliance’s desire to develop its relations with the Gulf Cooperation Council.

Romancing the Throne Sheila Carapico analyzes President Barack Obama’s visit to Saudi Arabia.

Pakistan to sell arms to Saudi Arabia Mohsin Ali reports on the intention of Saudi Arabia to buy arms from Pakistan.

Kuwait hopes for remedy to Gulf row over Qatar soon Sylvia Westall examines the Kuwaiti efforts to amend the relations among the Gulf Council Cooperation states.

Kuwait most generous in aiding Syria The United Nations Development Program states that Kuwait has been the most generous country in contributing to the Syrian humanitarian crisis.

Iran denies interference in Yemeni affairs The Iranian government rejects the accusation made by the Yemeni president of interfering in his country’s affairs.

Reports and Opinions

Saudi sentences top al-Qaeda man to death A Saudi court sentences Faris al-Zahrani to death for masterminding a wave of attacks in the kingdom in 2003.

The Saudi succession: Next after next… An Economist article on the Saudi king’s appointment of Prince Muqrin as a deputy crown prince.

House of Saud’s musical chairs As`ad AbuKhalil examines the recent changes in the line of succession in the Saudi ruling family.

Saudi Arabia’s crown prince Ahmed Eleiba argues that the appointment of Prince Murqrin as a deputy crown prince is a significant precedent in the kingdom.

Saudi dynasty moves to forestall succession crisis A news report on the question of succession in Saudi Arabia.

Prince Bandar soon to resume intelligence chief post Saudi officials assert that Prince Bandar, who has been abroad for surgery, will resume his position as intelligence chief soon.

Kuwait orders media blackout on `coup` video A news report on a media blackout of a videotape allegedly showing former senior officials plotting to overthrow the regime.

Kuwait investigating ‘plot’ to overthrow regime Kuwait’s royal court appeals for calm after rumors about a plot to topple the regime.

Kuwait opposition calls for elected government, reforms Sylvia Westall examines the demands of the Opposition Coalition, including the implementation of wide-range reforms and the election of a government.

Saudi Arabia declares all atheists are terrorists in new law to crack down on political dissidents Adam Withnall reports on a new series of laws, which defines atheists as terrorists. 

Saudi rulers face growing rumblings of discontent Fouad al-Ibrahim analyzes the demands and activism of young people in the kingdom.

Gunmen kill two Saudi guards near Yemen`s border: agency Unidentified gunmen kill two Saudi border guards.

Kuwait`s "pro-jihadist" justice minister rescinds resignation The Islamic affairs minister, accused by a US officials of promoting jihad in Syria, decides to stay on after his resignation was rejected.

Kuwait court adjourns hearing in former MP’s case of undermining the Emir’s status to May 12 The trial of Musallam Al Barrak is adjourned until May.

Saudi Arabia moves to allow girls to play sports in school Saudi authorities are to consider lifting a nationwide ban on sports for girls in school.

Ex-wife of Saudi king pleads for her daughters Maha Zaraket writes on two of the king’s daughters, who have been subsiding on one meal a day for almost a month in order to preserve the food left in the house according to their mother.

Repression in Bahrain

Bahraini monarchy manufactures demographic changes Youseff Harb analyzes the Bahraini ruling family’s measures to naturalize foreigners in order to change the demographics of the country.

Bahrain activists urge boycott of F1 race Ismaeel Naar reports on Maryam al-Khawaja’s call for the cancelation of Formula One grand prix.

Bahrain protesters jailed for 15 years A Bahraini court sentences seven people to fifteen years in jail for their involvement in a protest at the end of 2012.

Blast rocks Bahrain during Grand Prix An explosion rocks Bahrain on the last day of the Formula One grand prix.

Policeman hurt in Bahrain bomb blast: ministry A policeman is wounded in an explosion in the village of al-Daih last Friday. 

Bahrain’s Grand Prix: another opportunity to stifle dissent Chloe Benoist provides a critical account of the Formula One grand prix in Bahrain.

Thousands of Bahrainis march for democracy ahead of F1 race Farishta Saeed reports on a protest organized by al-Wifaq Islamic Society, demanding reforms and release of prisoners.

Bahrain police, protesters clash after Shi`ite funeral: witnesses Anti-regime protesters and police clash following a funeral in the village of al-Eker.

Crisis in Yemen

Victims of US drones in Yemen demand justice Saeed Al Batati reports on the formation of the National Organisation for Drones Victims, which aims to bring justice to victims of drone strikes and to hold US officials accountable.

Security forces targeted in Yemen attack Six soldiers die in an attack on military headquarters in Aden.

Suspected Qaeda militants kill four Yemeni soldiers at checkpoint Suspected al-Qaeda militants kill four soldiers in Hadramawt.

Yemen police arrests `kidnappers of UN team` The Yemeni security forces arrest thirteen people reportedly responsible for recent kidnapping of foreigners.

Bomb wounds senior military adviser`s aide in Yemen An aide to a senior Yemeni government military adviser and three bodyguards are wounded in an explosion near his car in Sanaa.

How to stabilise Yemen Alastair Sloan maintains that the solution for Yemen’s instability starts with fixing the economy.

American citizen Sharif Mobley is missing in Yemen – lawyers Spencer Ackerman reports on the disappearance of Sharif Mobley, who was held in custody in Yemen since 2010.

Migrant Workers

Blood money spares Indonesian maid from Saudi execution The Indonesian government agrees to pay around two million dollars to prevent the execution of a maid accused of killing her female employer.

Create jobs for Saudis, but don’t get rid of expats, says expert Saleh Fareed argues that Saudi Arabia should focus on creating new jobs for Saudis rather than replacing the existing expatriate workers.

ILO Spotlights Qatar’s Kafala System in Labor Reforms Push Asa Fitch reports on the International Labour Organization, which is calling upon Qatar to review its sponsorship system for foreign workers.

UAE confirms jail term for woman who tortured maid to death A Dubai court upholds the jail sentence of a woman who tortured her Ethiopian maid to death.

Indian found dead on construction site in Bahrain Police suspects that an Indian worker, found in an under-construction building, committed suicide.

Kuwait curbs police powers to deport expats Kuwaiti police will no longer be able to deport expatriates without the approval of the interior ministry.

Unpaid Indian women workers sent home from Saudi Arabia The Indian Embassy in Saudi Arabia repatriates a group of Indian women workers who were not paid by their employer for the past nine months.

Market and Business

Barclays sells its United Arab Emirates retail business Barclays sells its retail banking arm in the Gulf state to Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank.

Dubai Seeks to Become Islamic Economic Hub Sara Hamdan reports on the role of the Dubai Islamic Economy Development Center in providing legal services for Islamic financial industry.

Stagnation frustrates Kuwaitis An analysis of the inability of Kuwait to attract foreign investment and developing infrastructure.

Citizenship and Statelessness

Yemen`s `Muwaladeen`: The struggle for equal citizenship Atiaf Alwazir writes on the plight of Yemenis born to foreign parents, who face institutional discrimination for lacking "purity."

Kuwait urged to probe torture claims of detained bidoon A news reports on allegations of police torture of three Bidoon.


Saudi liberal website closed by Jeddah court A Saudi court shuts down a liberal internet forum for publishing what is seen as anti-Islamic material.

Saudis charge three over allegedly seditious tweets: paper Three Saudi men are charged over comments they made on Twitter.

Egypt court denies bail to Al Jazeera staff A Cairo court adjourns the trial of the three journalists for the fourth time.

Al Jazeera journalists spend 100 days in jail The three journalists have been held more than one hundred days in jail.

Trial of Al Jazeera staff adjourned in Cairo The trial of the three jailed Al Jazeera journalists is adjourned for the fifth time.

Egypt`s al-Jazeera trial was inspired by America`s global war on journalism Rozina Ali examines the detention of Al Jazeera journalists in Egypt in light of the history of the mistreatment of Al Jazeera staff by the US administrations.

Video evidence used against al-Jazeera journalists filmed by other networks Patrick Kingsley reports on three videos provided by the prosecution in the trial of the three journalists, which turned out to be all filmed by networks other than Al Jazeera.

Human Rights

Dispatches: Obama refuses to Talk Human Rights in Saudi Arabia Adam Coogle, from Human Rights Watch, deplores the US president’s decision not to raise human rights issues during his visit to the kingdom.

Kuwait: No Response to Torture Allegation Human Rights Watch criticizes the Kuwaiti authorities’ failure to investigate allegations of torture.

Saudi Arabia: Move on School Sports for Girls Human Rights Watch welcomes the Saudi step to allow physical education for girls in public schools.

Memo to Delegates: Yemen’s Compliance with the Mine Ban Treaty Human Rights Watch urges the Yemeni regime to identify the mine-affected area and to assist the victims.

US: Send Guantanamo’s Yemenis Home Human Rights Watch calls on the US administration to expedite the return of Yemeni detainees cleared for release from Guantanamo Bay.

Fears of renewed government crackdown ahead of Bahrain Grand Prix Amnesty International expresses its concerns over growing repression in Bahrain ahead of the racing tournament.

Saudi Arabia: Arbitrary arrest and detention of human rights defender Abdulaziz Al-Ghamdi The Gulf Center for Human Rights deplores the arrest of the activist.

Yemen: Human rights defender Ali Al-Dailami banned from travelling to a human rights meeting The Gulf Center for Human Rights reports on the prevention of al-Dailami from leaving Yemen to attend a human rights conference.

Bahrain: Third Anniversary of Arrest: Calls for the Release of Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja The Gulf Center for Human Rights marks the third anniversary of al-Khawaja’s arrest.

Kuwait: Call for the release of Abdulhakim Al-Fadhli who has started a hunger strike following allegations of torture The Gulf Center for Human Rights demands the release of the detained Bidoon rights activist.

UAE- Torture of Osama Al-Najjar confirmed as ill-treatment of detained UAE94 continues The Gulf Center for Human Rights condemns the torture of al-Najjar while in custody.

Joint Report: Human Rights Violations in Bahrain during Formula One Race Period The Bahrain Center for Human Rights, Bahrain Institute for Rights & Democracy, and the Bahrain Youth Society for Human Rights issue a joint statement on concerns over growing violations against protesters in Bahrain.

NGO Campaign Report on F1 Race in Bahrain The Bahrain Youth Society for Human Rights reports on a coalition of NGOs working together to stop the Formula One from taking place in Bahrain.

Joint-Statement by Bahrain Civil Society: Freedom of Association Must be Respected For Dialogue to be Possible A coalition of civil society organizations issue a joint statement on their decision not to attend an event organized by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Bahrain: Shooting Victom Sentenced to 15 Years; Attacker Enjoys Impunity The Bahrain Center for Human Rights deplores what it calls a culture of impunity in Bahrain.


ودّ قطري مستجدّ حيال الأردن
Elie Shelhoub examines Qatar`s new warm gestures towards Jordan.

أمير قطر يزور الخرطوم اليوم في مستهل جولة عربية
A news report on Qatar`s Prince Tamim bin Hamad`s visit to Sudan.

السودان | أمير قطر يغادر الخرطوم: مليار دولار دعم
May Ali analyzes the Qatari emir`s three-hour visit to Sudan.

أمير قطر في تونس كرمى لعيون الإخوان
Nouraldine Biltayyeb reflects on Prince Tamim bin Hamad`s visit to Tunisia, the details of which remained inaccessible to the news networks.

الشيخ تميم آل ثاني في زيارة ‘تطييب خواطر’ لتونس
Hassam Salman analyzes the purpose of Qatari emir`s visit to Tunisia.

ضاحي خلفان يطالب بضم قطر للإمارات وقطريون يعتبرونه يهذي بسبب فوز أردوغان
The Emirati deputy chief of the Dubai Police Force calls for the annexation of Qatar to the United Arab Emirates, and the Qataris ridicule his idea.

كيف ينظر رئيس أميركي إلى ملك سعودي؟
Jaafar al-Bikli writes on US presidents` attitudes towards Saudi kings.

رواية يراد دفنها: القتلى السعوديون في سوريا
Fouad Ibrahim provides an account of Saudi fighters who died in Syria.

القبائل وآل سعود: مقدمات انتفاضة؟
Fouad al-Ibrahim analyzes the demands and activism of young people in Saudi Arabia.

تقارب ايراني ـ سعودي يهدّئ لبنان ... ماذا عن سوريا؟
Sami Kleib discusses the impact of the Iranian-Saudi rapprochement for Syria.

محنة السعودية: يا ويلنا... أميركا تخلّت عنّا
Mahmood Bari argues that the change in US policy in the region represents a dilemma for Saudi Arabia.

تراجع واشنطن والرياض عن خلافاتهما
Samir Karam analyzes the rift between Riyadh and Washington, and the efforts to amend the relations between the two allies.

تأثير السعودية في المنطقة ينحسر
An editorial on the dwindling influence of Saudi Arabia in the region.

الرياض: الإعدام لمنظّر القاعدة
A Saudi court sentences Faris al-Zahrani to death for masterminding a wave of attacks in the kingdom in 2003.

تدريبات أميركية ـ سعودية في تبوك
A news report on joint Saudi-US military exercises in Tabouk.

بنات الملك
Malik al-Turki reports on two of the Saudi king’s daughters, who have been under house arrest for twelve years according to their mother who fled to London after her divorce.

كريمتا الملك: 25 يوماً من التجويع
Maha Zaraket writes on reports concerning two of the king’s daughters, who have been subsisting on one meal a day for the last month in order to preserve the food left in the house according to their mother.

البحرين في حمأة الصراع بين السعودية وايران
An editorial on the impact of the Saudi-Iranian conflict on Bahrain.

البحرين: وزارة الداخلية تمنع اعتصاماً للمعارضة اليوم
Bahrain`s minister of interior banned a sit-in in the village of al-Muqasha on Friday.

المعارضة البحرينية تتظاهر: ولى عصر الاستبداد
A news report on a protest organized by al-Wifaq Islamic Society, demanding reforms and release of prisoners, ahead of Formula One grand prix.

البحرين: وزيرة الإعلام في مرمى النار
The minister of information in Bahrain is under attack from different groups.

البحرين: الحكم على سبعة بالسجن 15 عاماً
A Bahraini court sentences seven people to fifteen years in jail for their involvement in a protest at the end of 2012.

محكمة بحرينية تصادق على حكم بسجن طبيب لمدّة سنة بتهمة إهانة الملك
A Bahraini court sentences a doctor for one year in prison for "insulting the king."

ملك البحرين يتلاعب بالديموغرافيا
Youseff Harb analyzes the Bahraini ruling family’s measures to naturalize foreigners in order to change the demographics of the country.

الدرك الأردني... وحجة رجل القش
Ali al-Dairi reports on the employment of Jordanian policemen in Bahrain.

بهدوء | اعتذار إلى شعب البحرين
Nahidh Hitter writes a letter of apology, as a Jordanian, to the Bahraini people for the failure of the Jordan national movement to support the Bahraini uprising, and for the role of Jordanian policemen in Bahrain in suppressing protests.

اليمن: مقتل 5 في اشتباكات بين الحوثيين والجيش
A news report on the death of five people during clashes between the Yemeni army and the Houthi fighters in Amran.

عدن: 20 قتيلاً في هجوم لالقاعدة
Six soldiers die in an attack on military headquarters in Aden.

الرئيس اليمني: مخرجات مؤتمر الحوار الوطني جاءت ملبية لتطلعات وآمال الجماهير
The Yemeni president praises the outcome of the national dialogue conference, which was concluded last January.

مؤتمر ‘أصدقاء اليمن’ ينعقد في لندن والخارجية تنفي تدهور العلاقة مع الرياض
Khalid al-Hamadi reports on Saudi-Yemeni relations and the Friends of Yemen Meeting, which is to be held in London, rather than Riyadh.

اليمن: هادي يواجه تهديدات أمنية وتحديات سياسية والجماعات المناهضة للتغيير تحاول استغلال الفشل الحكومي في الإطاحة بنظامه
Khalid al-Hamadi writes on security threats and political challenges facing the Yemeni president.

الكويت تحظر النشر في "مؤامرة" ضد النظام
A news report on a media blackout of a videotape allegedly showing former senior officials plotting to overthrow the regime.